Category: Best Practices

  • Oh LinkedIn, You So Silly

    Oh LinkedIn, You So Silly

    Two pet peeves about LinkedIn, both UXD related. Invitations Clicking on the Invitations when I have a message saying I have invitations waiting to be accepted should send me to the Invitations tab, right? Instead, it sends me to the Messages tab. That’s just bad design. Solution: Instead, LinkedIn should either 1) Offer separate icons…


  • Designer Pro Tip #2

  • Designer Pro Tip

  • Bored? Change your bookmarks!

    At least once a month, I change which blogs I am reading. I think this is a good practice for several reasons: As a blogger myself, it keeps me inspired and if I am always reading the same opinions, it’s easy to fall into the “preaching to the crowd” syndrome. It keeps me from falling…

  • What will it take for the Web to work on TV?

    Part I: Better Bookmark and URL Entry There are numerous speculative articles out about where television is heading, particularly its tenuous but growing relationship with social media. This post is taking a different approach. What will TV itself have to do, from a user and browsing experience to succeed? This is post one of two.…