Posts & Publications

  • Why Everyone Leaves Your Site

    While I like this post on bounce rate, I disagree with the author’s statement that bounce rate is simply, “…the most basic expression of dissatisfaction with your site users can give you.” No headline relevance The author missed one reason for bounce rate that may be the most common cause, but few SEO pros write…

  • Surround Vision

    Santiago Alfaro has been working on a project at MIT that I find fascinating, but also see tremendous commercial potential in. Called Surround Vision, the concept extends our view of television content to external handheld devices. If someone runs offscreen, holding a handheld device would allow the viewer to turn around and see where the…

  • How I’ll be using Google+ for businesses

    Google+ has an innate advantage over Facebook in its use of Circles. Far too many writers are viewing this as a bad thing, it being anti-social, leading to cliques, etc. I do not hold to this view. Circles allow for one thing Facebook is notoriously poor at: the hyper-targeting of content. If I have a…

  • The Mini Cooper Effect

    Everyone loves Mini Coopers. Even among the most jaded consumers, you’ll be hard pressed to find someone who actively hates Minis. So it will come as little surprise to anyone that social sentiment surrounding the Mini Cooper will be overwhelmingly positive. That said, Mini is not the best-selling car. While everyone loves them and has…

  • Audio Cubes Will Change Live Performances

    Audio Cubes from Percussa are one of the most beautiful technical innovations in live music—and a perfect example of Infotropic devices. Light-emitting cubes are placed end to end forming beats, loops and phrases. Changing which side of the cubes face each other changes the patterns, which are user-assigned through software. Moving your hands near and…

  • You are altering your own reality

    My greatest fascination is participating in the ever-blurring line between online and offline realities. From simple channels like QR codes and Augmented Reality—to the supermechanical objects by visionary John Kestner,—our perception of what is online and what is offline is changing. Our children may never believe that there ever was a line. Infotropism is the…

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